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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Marriage attitude

I didn't write anything yesterday because I was too lazy. And I was watching movies the whole day. I don't have a lot left before I start school, so I'm having fun. 

Now, to more important matters. The subject I'm going to call about is marriage attitude. Because not all girls want to marry, have kids and be a stay-at-home mum. And an example is me. In my opinion, I'll never get married and never have kids. I might adopt a kid, but I'm not gonna have one and go through that whole pain and still be treated unfairly in society. Why the pain when you only gain a kid? Another mouth to feed...now that's mean, but that's my opinion.

Marriage. The attitude towards it, years ago, was that most girls wanted to get married. That was their target in life, according to a interview by a sociologist. But now, in 200-something, girls want to get married but they also want to have a great career, be a great businesswomen. And I respect those who do that. Have a somewhat happy marriage, beautiful kid/s and a successful career. What I'm saying is I can't and won't. All I want is for my family to be happy (if I'm happy they'll be happy) and a great career. 

So know less girls want to get married. But there are still problems. Because as always there is a dark side to marriage. For example, there is domestic abuse. There is domestic labour. These equal = inequality in a household. 

I'll start with domestic labour. What is domestic labour? Why does Google say that I spelt it wrong? I'm not American. However, domestic labour is housework, basically. It's just a more sociological word. If you don't know what housework is, use Google. An example might be washing dishes. And in most households the woman does domestic labour. And this is not normal. Let's not be stereotypical. And then the woman has to face triple shift if she works and is married: domestic labour, career and emotional support for her family. 

Domestic abuse. I bet everyone knows about this. Because even though you don't read a lot about it in newspapers, you still hear about it. It's a big subject, too big for today. But what I'm going to say is that it is more likely a woman will face domestic abuse in a home than a man. Yes, even men face domestic abuse. 

Before, divorce was frowned upon. If you married, you are meant to stay together for ever, right? In my opinion if something goes wrong in that marriage and you cannot mend it, then divorce is the right choice. But now, divorce is on a rise. Maybe the women, as it is more likely they'll fill for a divorce, agree with me. Maybe they have a higher standard in marriage.

Also women can also not make the same mistake as before. Now they can live with their boyfriend instead of getting married straight away. They can also have sex with their partner without being frowned upon. Which is great, it means the society is changing in good way.

But there is a big way to go. Conclusion? Marriage is good for those who want to stay committed, not those who want freedom to move around and see what they like, people like me. Women, and men, can re-marriage after divorce or they can girl/boyfriends. Or they can choose to never marry, or marry later on when they settled down which I guess it what I'll do.

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