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Friday, 30 December 2011

Christmas ... and New Year's ...the adverts, part 1

Ah Christmas. All merry and happy. But is it so? Are we ALL happy when Christmas comes around?

While I love Christmas, and I bet so does my mum, I have to say its quite a stressful time for her. All this running around, making sure Christmas is perfect, I find useless. I mean, Christmas is all about the family, while I only had my mum for Christmas, I think that instead of buying expensive gifts (that you might not use anyway) and cooking a big meal (that afterwards- especially with females- you'll feel guilty for enjoying it) we should instead all remind ourselves of those less fortunate than us, who don't have the money for all those expensive stuff we at this time, however have less with their families and still enjoy it.

With that out of the way, the adverts for Christmas really annoy me. I could have used worse words instead of annoying, but lets not go that far.

Has anyone (well those in the UK, I'm afraid I don't know other countries adverts) seen the Boots advert? (Boots by the way is a pharmacy that also sells perfumes and makeup, targeted especially at women) The, Here Comes the Girls 'I'm Fine' advert? Here's the link...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4UVs3JD-g

I find it disgusting. The double standard in the advert is very clear. Two women. One called Rachael, who clearly has the flu (red nose, teary eyes etc etc) and the other one who we don't know the name (didn't say her name, so lets call her Anna) meet on the streets...and Anna has the flu as well, I forgot to add. Anna is telling her dear friend Rachael that she has to do the usual (and very traditional) women-ish jobs (in order): finishing the shopping, picking kids from school and then swimming, then people over for dinner, while Rachael is sympathetically listening to her dear friend.

When asked by Anna, "What about you?", what does Rachael answer? Oh, I'm going to the pub for a drink? Oh, I'm going home to sleep the flu away? Oh, I'm going to the pharmacy to get something for this stupid flu and then sleep, because I'm so tired of being used by my family to go out shopping while they stay in their f***ing bed and sleep?


Because she's a woman. She's not allowed to rest, don't you get it?

What she says its completely the opposite of my rant above. She's went to work at freaking 5 am, and Pete's (her husband- ah, stereotype, it needs a male somewhere...she can't be single, can't she?) parents are coming for the weekend (I GOTTA GO AND COOK, OH MY GOD THEY'RE COMING) and...oh it gets better...she freaking went to get medicine for the poor, baby, little Pete because he is so sick with the flu...LIKE HER! She has the flu! She needs to rest.


She's a woman. She's not allowed to, DON'T YOU GET IT?

Sexist adverts annoy me. Boots has so many I can't believe it, I want to take my eyes out whenever I see them on TV. I always change the channel or rant about how sexist they are.

I could use more examples, but I think this works just fine.

I wonder when it'll stop, this whole sexism at Christmas? Because women need their rest and peace, they're humans just like men. That's why I offer to do the Christmas shopping, or the New Year's, because my dear, over-worked mum needs some sleep and a good glass of wine.

I rest my case. Thanks for reading.

P.S: More coming, I just need to watch TV more. Bear with me, thanks.

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