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Friday, 2 September 2011

"I spray tan my 4yr old"...

...why? What I'm talking about is a newspaper article I read today in Metro. I only read Metro because my mum brings it along with her, so I don't have anything else to read than books that I buy from Waterstone because Waterstone rules! Boo, W HSmith.

Why? Why would a mother DO that for? I mean, is she crazy? Because that encourages stereotypes. It says that a mother spray tans her children so they can be "confident". Can't teenagers and young children in this case be confident natural? Because I bet the child looks beautiful without the tan.

And, as it is said in the conclusion, they are "inadvertently playing into the hands of pedophiles who treat children as sexualised beings". I agree with Claude Knight who wrote the quote. I also think that just shows how badly media contribute into the lives of teens and young children.

Furthermore I also found another article "Pageant, girl, four, flaunts 'boobs'". This article speaks of a girl who had fake breasts and fake butt, I don't know how to put it in another way, when she appeared on the snow "Toddles and Tiaras". The girl was trying to perform as "Dolly Parton" who is described as curvy in the article. Sexist. But, back to the girl who I won't name because I don't want to, in my opinion she looks better natural. Not with too much makeup, fake breasts and wig.

Toddles and Tiaras just encourage girls that they can only be successful by being fake. Which is a huge problem in society today, because women think they have to stop their natural side from being shown because it is ugly, in their opinion. And they are fed by the media. Shows like, Toddles and Tiaras and model shows like ANTM (which I wrote about last time) are very good examples. I'm not saying they are BAD but they give bad EXAMPLES, especially to teenagers like me. Not that I listen.

God no, because I think natural beauty is...beautiful! I might have changed my hair, but not for the society. But for ME! Because I wanted to change it for a while. And I look beautiful, thank you.

Moving back to the newspaper articles. The first article, the spray tan, the mother said that she sprays the child so she can look beautiful when she dances. Really? Isn't she beautiful when she is normal. I mean, she really doesn't need a tan to look beautiful. When will the world understand?

Conclusion? Spray tanning a child is wrong. Spray tanning yourself because you want to look "beautiful" is wrong. Because you are beautiful the way you are. Uniqueness is beautiful, why change what God gave you? You are beautiful the way you were born. If you're insecure, listen to Lady Gaga's song, Born this Way. Because the lyrics are very true. 

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