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Saturday, 17 September 2011

And that is why I will never be a celebrity...

I would rather be jobless, friendless than be a celebrity. And yes, I'm jobless but I'm only a student. But I'm sure won't be a celebrity when I grow up. And it's not because I can't sing, dance or model but because of the  media...

I was reading Daily Mail online because of my research into "Real Life Lara Croft" and I saw an article titled "She is not a size four!" Project Runaway's Tim Gunn takes aim at newly slimline Kirstie Alley (who, by the way, is a model/actress). Kirstie Alley told Radar Online how, when she was a size 14, she wished she could get to size 4, and declared that she lost 100 pounds after being on the show Dancing with the Stars. 

But she was slated by Tim Gunn who said that Miss Alley is only a size 8-10.

I bet that must hurt. I mean, being slated by a man who is on a fashion show. And I think what both people done was wrong. Miss Alley is not a good role model by saying she didn't feel comfortable at size 14 and that she wanted to get to size 4 (and maybe she is a size 4). And then it was wrong for Mr Gunn who claimed that the model is not a size 4, but a size 8-10. It really isn't his business to get involved. I know everyone has its own opinion, but MY opinion is that Mr Gunn was wrong to argue against Miss Alley and then say that she still looks beautiful. I don't think Miss Alley can forgive you, Mr Gunn, even after the "compliment".

I also read that in Big Brother (which I don't watch) the bellydancer (forgot her name) was voted off and then booed by the crowd. I wonder (because again, I don't watch BB) is it because the bellydancer has a great body that she has been booed? Hmmm...

I also read on Daily Mail online that a young six year old has been used in a fashion show somewhere in America. This is obviously disgusting and disappointing but I'm not surprised. After all, the society has become twisted and now encourages children as being sex objects.

I also read about an dancing star who took on to high-waist trousers and see through black top with green bra. While I agree that maybe she doesn't look good with those jeans, I however think that the media should stop picking on curvy celebrities and actually encourage curvy bodies as they are healthier than skinny, anorexic celebrities. I mean, the society wants to stop suicide or/and death due to anorexia, right?

Lastly, why I could never become a celebrity is because of all the added stress: "You have to lose weight" "Your teeth need to be whiter" "You should be more sexy". They are all examples of what celebrities, especially women, have to face every single time they go out. And lets not forget the harsh critics on your clothing and the haters.

Real Life Lara Croft?

I never, ever agreed with the character Lara Croft and the way she is dressed in games, etc. It just encourages the society to think of women as sex objects and size 0. Expect size 0 is unhealthy and women= sex object? Damn the media. Because we are not sex objects...

However, I was reading the Metro I think yesterday and I came across an article titled "Real Life Lara Croft" where instead of size 0 action heroine we have a curvy heroine. After reading the article, I went and researched the whole thing.

It is said that actress Carrie Lynn Certa is to play the title role in "A Day In The Life Of Plain Jen", showing that even curvy, size 14- woman can be a very good action heroine. However, even she said that if put up to fight Lara Croft herself, Jen wouldn't win...but wouldn't give up either. Go girl!

Obviously I'm very excited about the movie, and very proud of the actress. It is an inspiration to all women across the world, because it tells us we can still be beautiful but curvy.

The message is very good for young teenagers, girls especially. It will teach them that they don't have to be a size 0 to be beautiful, so Carrie Lynn Certa is a very good model for all women everywhere.

She said that she feels sexy in jeans and a T-shirt. I myself never wear jeans because I dislike the material, but if Mrs Certa feels comfortable in her own skin, then everyone should. I myself feel very comfortable, and I might lose weight but its not because I'm on a diet. I have my own odd nights out in town eating fast food. But not too often...

Lastly, Mrs Certa made a very good point. Mothers are real-life heroines. They come in all sizes and shapes, do triple shift and still have time for their children and themselves. In conclusion, we all should thank our mothers for looking after us and thank Mrs Certa for being a great role model. 

Friday, 9 September 2011

1st day of P.E in yr 10: choices, choices...

Well, I gotta say I'm getting near the 100 pageviews. Thanks for everyone who read this. I appreciate the fact that some people have taken up interest in my blog. Hopefully we will get more.

Anyway. The reason I didn't write that much over this week is because I've started school, year 10. It's quite busy and I don't really have that much time and when I do have time I listen to music and read. About feminism, obviously.

What I'm going to write about is P.E in year 10 and how the teachers are sexist. I'm also going to speak about something that I heard from my mum and all feminist-related subjects.

When I got into the changing room, and changed, I thought about two things; one: my beep test (kind of resistance test); two: my choice for year 10. You see, it changes when you get into year 10. You will have to choose what you will do for one year and I think for year 11.

We had four choices: Two for qualifications and two for enjoyment. The two for qualifications were: Sportman leadership or something-something where you do football and teach small kids how to play; and another where you do the same thing but other kind of sports. The enjoyment choices: Gym where I think we are going to use the machines and do some dancing (yep, I choose Gym); and something else in the sports hall that I hate.

What has this to do with feminism? Well, the male teacher (that spoke about Sportman- hah, Sportman- leadership thing) only looked at the boys. No one glance at the girls. I thought about choosing the second choice but then I would have been the only girl and gotten sneered at. So I went with Gym. I guessed I would rather stay inside and do the machines, dance a little bit and get fit. But I really disliked the way the teacher ignored us. And when a another teacher told us about Gym/the other enjoyment thing she only looked at girls. Are they trying to put across the message that girls are weak and shouldn't do vigorous stuff and that boys are too tough to do something they might enjoy but are scared to be laughed at. Well, at least someone had the courage to go and do football and I'm proud of that girl. And it's not me.

Now, moving on to the story I heard. I heard from my mum, and I won't name anyone but make up names: Jane is the pregnant lady, Harry is her husband, Mr and Mrs K are her parents, Bob is her brother and Anna Bob's wife. It all be made clear now.

OK, so Jane got with Harry together because they loved each other. They married, and she is pregnant right now. But Harry started hitting her: domestic abuse. Her parents thought that she couldn't leave Harry as they are married and Jane is pregnant. But she finally left Harry and moved in with her brother, Bob and Bob's wife Anna.

OK, beforehand though I have to say I can't believe Mr and Mrs K could do that to their daughter they brought up and loved. If I was her mum, I would take her in and care for her. I wouldn't leave for Harry to beat her and Bob's mercy.

However, Bob isn't a great person either. He makes her work hard, clean for them, and remember she is pregnant and works hard at work. Instead Bob should let Jane rest and help her. But is this possible in a society with such men? We women have to be careful who we live with and should never be dependent on a man.

I have to say sorry for not writing about women in music industry and promised before. I'm going to do it tomorrow.


Friday, 2 September 2011

"I spray tan my 4yr old"...

...why? What I'm talking about is a newspaper article I read today in Metro. I only read Metro because my mum brings it along with her, so I don't have anything else to read than books that I buy from Waterstone because Waterstone rules! Boo, W HSmith.

Why? Why would a mother DO that for? I mean, is she crazy? Because that encourages stereotypes. It says that a mother spray tans her children so they can be "confident". Can't teenagers and young children in this case be confident natural? Because I bet the child looks beautiful without the tan.

And, as it is said in the conclusion, they are "inadvertently playing into the hands of pedophiles who treat children as sexualised beings". I agree with Claude Knight who wrote the quote. I also think that just shows how badly media contribute into the lives of teens and young children.

Furthermore I also found another article "Pageant, girl, four, flaunts 'boobs'". This article speaks of a girl who had fake breasts and fake butt, I don't know how to put it in another way, when she appeared on the snow "Toddles and Tiaras". The girl was trying to perform as "Dolly Parton" who is described as curvy in the article. Sexist. But, back to the girl who I won't name because I don't want to, in my opinion she looks better natural. Not with too much makeup, fake breasts and wig.

Toddles and Tiaras just encourage girls that they can only be successful by being fake. Which is a huge problem in society today, because women think they have to stop their natural side from being shown because it is ugly, in their opinion. And they are fed by the media. Shows like, Toddles and Tiaras and model shows like ANTM (which I wrote about last time) are very good examples. I'm not saying they are BAD but they give bad EXAMPLES, especially to teenagers like me. Not that I listen.

God no, because I think natural beauty is...beautiful! I might have changed my hair, but not for the society. But for ME! Because I wanted to change it for a while. And I look beautiful, thank you.

Moving back to the newspaper articles. The first article, the spray tan, the mother said that she sprays the child so she can look beautiful when she dances. Really? Isn't she beautiful when she is normal. I mean, she really doesn't need a tan to look beautiful. When will the world understand?

Conclusion? Spray tanning a child is wrong. Spray tanning yourself because you want to look "beautiful" is wrong. Because you are beautiful the way you are. Uniqueness is beautiful, why change what God gave you? You are beautiful the way you were born. If you're insecure, listen to Lady Gaga's song, Born this Way. Because the lyrics are very true. 


I updated my blog, as you guys can see. There are new stuff like:

  1. Search this blog- You can search easily for posts now without clicking too much! Just write a word and hopefully you'll find what you need.
  2. News- There will be news headlines near the top of the page so you guys can keep up with news
  3. Poll- There is a poll on the side where you can vote and share your opinion. This week's poll? "Are single parents to blame for poverty?" Don't be afraid to share your opinion!
  4. Members- who joined the website
  5. Lastly there is also logo because it looks nice! 
Enjoy! And by the way, if you go on Google and write "A feminist's view" you'll find me! Yay! Share this with your friends, follow by email, vote on the poll, comment, join!! READ AND SHARE...!! Peace!

Single Parents

I want to say a warm welcome to our first member, Rabia. I'm afraid Zarrin isn't able to join, but if she does she is welcomed. I took the ads down because they took too much space and it didn't work.

As I spoke about most of subjects that annoy me, I went to Google to find inspiration. I didn't. Maybe because I wanted to speak more about things that annoy me. Now, the subject will be single mums.

My mum is a single mum. There are many single mums, and figures show that 52% of those single mums are below the poverty line. They are scapegoat in the society, like teenagers (ah! Inspiration!). What is scapegoating? Scapegoat is when a group in society are blamed for problems in a society. For example single mums are blamed for poverty. Some might even go far and say it's their fault they are single and in poverty, because they couldn't "keep" a husband.

That is very unfair. But it is known people hate those they can't understand. And most males blame single mums, in politics. As I said before my mum is a single parent, and I know how it is to be in such a family. It isn't my mum's fault they split up. I think they both have their own faults.

Moving on. The fact that most single parents are in poverty means that the society is messed up. And I'm speaking about single parents in UK. I really believe this should change, because we should respect single parents as they are alone and are looking after one or more children.

Why do I keep saying single parents? Because there ARE single dads too. Maybe their partner died, and they can't move on, can't re-marry or want a girlfriend.

Single mums are always blamed, especially by media. But most single mums that are blamed are teenage mums. I don't know where, but I did write that most mums are middle age women. So teens should be HELPED not BLAMED.

Lastly, why are single parents in poverty? In my opinion it's because the society blames them for poverty and all bad in society. And media encourages this. So employers don't want to employ single parents, and they end up in poverty. I mean, there are benefits right? But are they enough? Why pay a football team when you can stop poverty? Pay a football player/team less and do something better with the money.

Conclusion? Single parents shouldn't be blamed, as it's not their fault for all problems in society. Next time I'll be talking about teens and how they are blamed as well.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

This is actually an experiment. Because I'm using my email to type up an entry. It will be short, because I only want to see if it works. By doing so I'll also tell of news.

1. Every time I'll change theme, if something important happens. For example, it's autumn so my homepage will have golden leaves and the colour theme will be golden. When Halloween will come I'll try and put up a spooky image and dark theme. And etc.

2. I'm looking for other authors to type up their opinions. The most popular, for now, are Zarrin (a friend), Anca (another friend), Rabia (a friend). I'll TRY and get a boy, but I don't know if I will. If you want to be an author, all you'll have to do is leave a comment and I'll get to you as fast as possible.

3. If you read my blog from beginning you'll notice some changes, for example number 1 and also some adverts. No comment, expect that I'm changing my blog.

4. I wrote before that because I'm starting school, (on the 5th September), I might not write a lot. I'm sorry, but school is more important.

5. I'll celebrate every time the blog gets one month (and that's every 24th of a month, i.e.: 24th of September will be one month, 24th of October will be two months, etc)

6. My birthday is on 1st November 2011

7. Expect something different for Halloween, don't ask what because even I don't know yet.

8. Good luck everyone at school! I know everyone starts school on different dates, so I'll just say it now.

~Miru, from her own email, dunno if it will work.


First off I would like to say I'm quite excited. People from Australia and Germany are visiting my page. Cool! And USA...thanks all who are visiting my page and telling their friends. A special thanks to Zarrin, my friend from Bangladesh. I'm missing you a lot. I got 6 page views today, 7 yesterday, 64 last month and most are from UK. Hopefully I'll also get some comments? Or do I ask for too much? I don't know...

Anyway, it's 11:31 a.m., I'm bored and I am watching Jeremy Kyle. I don't know why. But before I switched to JK, I was watching America Next Top Model, or ANTM as in the title. (BINTM= Britain & Ireland Next Top Model). There is also Australia's (hello Australia, thanks for visiting my page) Next Top Model. I'm sorry but I don't really like Australia's rules. If I go on your show, even though I'm too young...no scratch that. If I was 18, same weight, maybe taller, and went on your show I would be thrown out.

Because I'm not skinny, I'm a little over the normal weight. So you guys wouldn't take me on. Because for the past months while I was watching AuNTM (Australia's) I only saw skinny models, and they were always on diet and exercising. I mean, it is healthy exercising. But really? If you put on a LITTLE bit of weight, you had to lose it and FAST. I mean, the Model society want skinny girls. OKAY? Good, now lose weight.

This is a good impact of the media. Now models have to be skinny, a size 0 in America. It is the wanted look. If you're overweight or normal there is no place for you in model world.

No, I'm being mean. If we look on ANTM there was one plus size model winner. I forgot her name. She was blonde, and everybody said she behaved like a pageant queen. I don't know if I spelled that right. Anyway, she won and she was a plus size model. But there was only ONE winner. And I bet she was influenced and asked to lose weight or else.

In BINTM I never saw a plus size model. I mean, I haven't watched those shows for a long while because my mum hates them. And I dislike them sometimes because they are really stereotypical and mean. Expect for ANTM, it seems Tyra Banks is a great mentor. I wish she would teach me how to model. Whatever, because I'll never be model. I'm too feminist for that. I would argue back every time someone would criticize me. Maybe because I'm a scorpio? Who knows.

If I had to choose to always watch a model show, I would choose ANTM because they are really nice and funny. Not too serious, I don't like that. I also like the fact they let plus size models come into competition. (I just had to change because there was a stupid show on. BLAH! Music is better, and I'll write about that later on).

There is something else I never understood, and maybe disliked a little bit at these shows. Why are there always girl models and no boys? I mean, really? Are there no male models in the competition. But I like what Tyra Banks once said, that male models are toys and you should outshine them. I'm with you, sister!

Conclusion? These shows are somewhat stereotypical. But they also help women get somewhere far and big. But BINTM and AuNTM should let plus size models through. Because it is not fair!

****Next time, maybe tomorrow: music and how it represents women****

I will also start with some psychology because I'm learning about it soon. God, summer went fast. At least it was fun!